As the courses of Nira Multiversity are highly spiritual, intensive and advanced in terms of the intensity of transformation of body mind and daily life routines, hence this is not for beginners, who are not yet prepared for such changes in their life. It is in fact for those, who have tried such courses all over the world and have not yet experienced life beyond the matrix or logic or mechanical-life. It is for those, who understand, that in order to take a new birth one has to first die. Everyone is ready for the positive experiences, but never for the pain that occurs during the birthing process. In order to experience an enlightened tomorrow the past has to die, and one has to bear the pain of dissolving the past (i.e. Old habits-beliefs-patterns of mind) within oneself. Thus the one who wants to unlock the power within and is ready to accept and confront the future changes is welcome to apply in Nira Multiversity.
Though these courses are open for general public, all new entries or admission are strictly subjected to personal interviews, investigation and interrogation of past spiritual profile karmic debt – family background financial stability – and other responsibilities. Nira does not entertain donations or succumb to bribes, threats, coercion or pressure in order to enroll anyone in the multiversity. Further, Nira management or a representative of Nira will judge the aspirant for their readiness for the future changes, spiritual worthiness and their purpose for attending or getting admission into the multiversity. Nira management is the sole and final authority to take decisions on any applicant profile, that may arrive from all over the world. Only after careful discussion amongst the entire Nira team such final decisions are taken. Also, amount of time that the applicant will put in and the results that can be expected from them on this spiritual path will all be taken into consideration while making final decisions.
No clarification or explanation will be given if an applicant is declined entry into the multiversity due to failure to satisfy our pursuits/criteria. Any disputes over such final decision will be subject only to Mumbai jurisdiction.